Feb 26, 2011

Review : L'Oreal Volume Shocking Mascara

hai girls, kali ini gw mau ngereview tentang salah satu mascara fave gw.  Berhubung gw bisa dibilang berbulu mata botak, maka untuk bisa dapet tampilang yang dramatis, gw harus make falsies (fake eyelashes).  Cumaaa gw bodoh banget kalo disuruh masang falsies, ga bisa sama sekali lah.  Solusinya? ya pake mascara ini, L'Oreal Volume Shocking Mascara.  Jujur, hasilnya bener-bener shocking, ga percaya? liat sendiri yah!

cara make nya terdiri dari dua step, make yang putih dulu baru yang item, ada nomernya kok!

nah make yang item ini yang agak-agak tricky, walopun gw udah lama make ini mascara, tetep aja kadang hasinya kurang rapi, makenya harusnya zig zag gitu.
and here is the result .. (maap berantakan, gw ga berbakat dalam mengedit-edit foto, dan rada clueless make komputer kakak gw)

 i'm sure you see the difference lah yah, jauh banget gitu.  Puas banget deh gw sama hasilnya.  Kesimpulannya...

-produk ini gampang ditemuin dimana aja
-waterproof, anti smudge, awet seharian bahkan dipake tidur pun masih awet!
-hold the curls

-make nya agak susah
-agak clumpy
-bersihinnya SUSAH beneeerrr... harus lama, telaten, kalo kasar bisa bikin bulmat rontok

will repurchase : YES

Feb 18, 2011


Hi readers, perkenalkan, ini adalah salah satu HG gw buat eyeliner hehhe.. revlon colorstay eyeliner yang black, sebenernya HG yang pertama adalah yang liquid sih, i'll write about it later.

Revlon menjanjikan staying power yang stay untuk seharian, sampe 12 jam! 

 ini swatchnya, yang atas di swatch sekali, yang bawah beberapa kali.  Menurut gw warna nya lumayan kereng kok...
setelah diusep-usep ringan beberapa kali, agak pudar memang tapi at least ga smudge kan?  Soal daya tahan, ga sampe 12 jam sih mungkin karena eyelid gw kan oily, tapi dibanding produk lainnya, ini masih juara kok! dipake seharian ga smudge, itu yang penting buat gw. Ga mau kan sore-sore setelah beraktifitas ada noda item di mata pas lo ga sadar?
teksturnya juga pas, ga terlalu keras ga terlalu lembek, tau kan model puter gini kadang kalo terlalu lembek malah suka patah di dalem, tapi ini ga kok.

kesimpulannya? I LIKE IT MOST. Terutama gw pake buat lower line, karena kalo yang atas emang lebih bagus kalo pake liquid sih menurut gw.

will repurchase? YES

Feb 17, 2011


Hola, beberapa waktu yang lalu gw dapet beberapa sample skincare nya Chanel.  I was very excited to give them a try! Yang gw dapet adalah CHANEL SUBLIMAGE...


The ultimate in anti-aging luxury, delivered with a fine and silky touch. It starts with one unique plant -- the Vanilla Planifolia -- unearthed in the farthest reaches of Madagascar. A unique process created by CHANEL Research harnesses the power of this potent botanical fruit for targeted de-aging action. With the exclusive ingredient, Planifolia PFA*, wrinkles, loss of firmness, dehydration, lack of radiance and inconsistency in pigmentation are pinpointed at once, rendering skin revitalized, regenerated, radiant.

*PFA: Polyfractioned Active. An ultra-pure, ultra-powerful ingredient created through an exclusive purification technique developed by CHANEL.


This ground-breaking new concentrate, empowered by Golden Champa PFA*, is derived from the legendary golden flower of the Himalayas. Purified to its most potent essence, this natural ingredient frees cells of their toxins, restoring them to their purest, most vital, youthful state.
Detoxified and revitalized, skin is now reborn, and fully receptive to the complete regenerating power of the iconic SUBLIMAGE Essential Regenerating Creams, for the ultimate in skin perfection. . . revitalized, regenerated, radiant.


There exists an exceptional skincare product that goes beyond anti-aging. Its name is SUBLIMAGE  La Crème. Its new and infinite power of regeneration acts on all of the skin's life factors,to reveal a beauty that is simply sublime.

Its power has a name: Enriched Planifolia PFA*. This new active jewel is born from the fusion of two botanical treasures with extraordinary powers on all the signs of aging: the fruit and flower of Vanilla from Madagascar. When crafted by CHANEL,they are transformed into the ultimate powerful and regenerating quintessence.

Wonderfully moisturized, deeply nourished and truly replenished, the skin is infinitely regenerated. The complexion is radiant and even. Facial contours are firmer.The face is smoother, more toned. You glow with beauty.

SUBLIMAGE La Crème tantalizes the senses: it offers the pleasure of rich, smooth texture and a subtle scent with hints of vanilla.

The performance of La Crème is quite unique.

It is as powerful as it is rare:
Wrinkles: -36%
Firmness and tone: +26%
Radiance and luminosity: +118%
Hydration: +74%
Evenness of the complexion: +43%

Test conducted on 26 women after applying La Crème for 4 weeks.

sounds very promising yes?
now, here is my review :
pertama dipake baunya nyengat banget! bau parfume banget.. mungkin karena kandungannya ada ekstrak bunga-bungaan kali yah.  texture nya unik banget.  ga bikin lengket di muka sih, sangat sangat cepat menyerap ke kulit.  Paginya bener-bener kerasa kulit SUPER NYAMAN, kenyal banget, lembab.
Di hari kedua keliatan bahwa kulit gw jadi lebih cerah.  Kulit rasanya bener-bener oke banget pake cream ini.  Setelah pemakaian sekitar 2 minggu (gw ga make pagi-malem, selang seling aja) kerasa banget lah kulit jadi super OKE.  Its just like magic. Really really really a very good products!

so the conclusion is :
-cons : the smells is too strong, and its way too expensive

repurchase : i wish, seriously i do really want it, but you know, the price is too expensive i think. maybe someday i'll bought these all when i produce lot of money. LOL.

Feb 16, 2011

OOTD : maxi dress by Dian Pelangi

hi girls, akhir-akhir ini gw lagi mood pake maxi dress nih, soalnya kata tunangan gw, gw lebih keliatan dewasa dan anggun kalo pake maxi, haha.. jadi karena gw mau ke rumah tunangan gw, gw mutusin pake dress maxi by Dian Pelangi.  Gw beli ini karena suka sama perpaduan warna nya.

so pretty huh?
ini motif kain tradisional Palembang kalau ga salah... walau pun colourfull tapi warna-warna nya kalem, bahannya juga ga panas..

a roses from my fiance ;)

agak bingung sih pake luaran apa, kalo pake cardi kok kayaknya jadi too dark n kepenuhan, jadi setelah bongkar-bongkar lemari eh nemu si kuning ini.. ini sebenernya apa ya, gw juga bingung nyebut namanya, heheh, jadi gw namain aja ini knitted ponco. Tas nya oleh-oleh dari philipine, dan sandalnya unbranded, terus gelangnya gw beli di chloris. sebenernya gw juga mesen baju lebaran di Dian Pelangi, tapi lain kali aja gw post, soalnya belum sempet di foto-foto. ;)

Feb 14, 2011

FOTD and OOTD : Greeny Green

hi ladies, its been a long time ago since my last post yah?
hari ini gw mau nge post FOTD dan OOTD sekalian kalo gitu, temanya adalah... GREEN!
this is it...

trying to mix green and orange =)

havent change my outfit yet..

-Loreal UV perfect
-etude  precious mineral bb cream
-revlon photoready powder
-blush : NYX cream blush in glow
-NYX brow powder for shading

-sari ayu eyeshadow
-revlon black liquid eyeliner
-Loreal volume shocking mascara
-revlon colourstay eyeshadow for hilite
-viva eyebrow pencil in brown

-caring colours brown sugar

this night i attended a wedding ceremony, i've got nothing on my closet, so i decided to wear this...

it's actually a moeslim wear

trying to pose like a lady =p

i do love the green colour, how about y? ;)