Good news for mommies and mom to be!
Baru-baru ini gw menerima email dari California Baby. Siapa dan apa sih California Baby? chek their website here.
So bassically California Baby menawarkan produk untuk ibu hamil dan baby yang aman untuk kulit dan eco friendly. Sebenarnya gw sudah pernah denger brand ini sebelumnya, hanya saja gak begitu familiar karena memang California Baby baru saja masuk ke Indonesia. Produk yang dijual juga masih made in Amerika tentunya. Pilihan produknya lengkap dan macem-macem banget sampe gw amazed, ternyata banyak ya produk perawatan kulit untuk bumil dan baby! Nah gw dikirimin 2 produk untuk perawatan ibu hamil dari California Baby, berikut reviewnya!
California Baby®
Natural Pregnancy™
Nourishing Emulsion
For Use: Hydrating body lotion
For Preggers: Hydrate tummy, hips and thighs
Scent: Our beautiful Natural Pregnancy aromatherapy blend that includes Roman chamomile, lemon and peppermint
Product Description:
Our California Baby® Natural Pregnancy™ products help to cultivate and
maintain perfect tone and texture for changing skin in need of some true
TLC. Formulated for all women experiencing skin that is constantly in
flux from dry-to-oily and back again. California Baby's Natural
Pregnancy products are designed to offer ultimate control of hormonally
driven skin by placing the exact amount of moisture where and when you
need it — it's your call. You adjust the moisturizing level by applying
layers of this wonderfully light-yet-rich nourishing emulsion. A pure
blend of rich and creamy certified organic cocoa butter (very high
quality and has a delicately scented), and silky mimosa flower wax makes
application a sensual experience. Lightly scented with pure essential
oils of Roman chamomile, lemon and peppermint that combine to give an
invigorating lift.
Benefits and Features:
- Allergy tested
- No gluten, soy, oat or dairy
- No synthetic fragrances
- Contains certified organic and sustainably grown ingredients
- Multipurpose, concentrated—a little goes a long way!
- Vegan. No animal ingredients; not tested on animals
- Made in a solar powered, state-of-the art, eco-friendly FDA registered and organic certified manufacturing facility
- Our aromatherapy essential oils are tested for purity
- California Baby products are free from peanuts and tree nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds and pecans. We utilize coconut derived ingredients, which are not typically restricted by those with nut allergies.
- Made in the U.S.A.
Green Packaging:
- HDPE (#2) bottles contain 25% Post Consumer Content (PCR); BPA free
- Our tree free labels are printed with water-based lead free inks and are easy to recycle with paper or plastic – no need to remove labels before recycling!
- Caps are made of Polypropylene (BPA free)
Untuk mommies yang concern banget sama perawatan kulit pasti bakal suka banget, karena they put eveeerryy detail of their products on their website! produk mereka eco friendly, non alergic, BPA free dan banyak lagi keuntungan yang membuat gw ternganga. Apa emang produknya sebagus itu? yuk baca reviewnya!
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Krim ini ga hanya melembabkan dan mencegah strech mark, tapi juga melawan dan membantu memudarkannya. Kebetulan di kehamilan ini perut dan paha gw udah ga karuan banget bentuknya karena strecth mark, so i think this is a good try :(. Wanginya kuat banget, wangi lemongrass yang seger menurut gw karena pada dasarnya gw suka bau-bauan rempah, jamu dan yang natural semacam ini, tapi mungkin sebagian orang ga akan suka baunya.
Tekturnya lembut di kulit, kalau gw pake kebanyakan gw kadang merasakan agak panas di kulit just like krim pembakar lemak gitu. Krim ini mudah dibaurin ke kulit, ga butuh terlalu banyak untuk meratakannya ke perut dan bagian tubuh lain. Krimnya pun cepat banget terserap ke kulit, hanya butuh waktu 5 menit mijet-mijet dengan gerakan memutar dan krimnya sudah terserap. Efeknya kulit berasa lembab tanpa rasa lengket sama sekali which i love the most. Ngurangin rasa gatal yang mengganggu juga. Sayangnya mungkin karena cepat banget menyerap, gw harus re-apply krim ini cukup sering. Dalam 4 jam gw merasa harus ngolesin krim ini kembali, walaupun memang kulit gw belum terasa kering tapi gw merasa lebih aman aja kalo kulit perut gw terasa lebih lembab. Dengan pemakaian rutin beberapa hari saja gw bisa ngerasain kulit gw lebih lembab dan ga segatal biasanya. Overall gw suka efeknya dan baunya semacam bikin gw nagih untuk memakainya terus. Tentunya untuk melihat efek memudarkan strecth marknya gw butuh waktu berminggu-minggu untuk melihatnya ya! oh ya menurut gw harganya pun masih masuk akal untuk produk impor berkualitas.
Weight : 195 gram
Price: Rp.270.000
California Baby®
Natural Pregnancy
Nourishing Cream
For Use: Neck, décolleté and breasts
Scent: Our beautiful Natural Pregnancy aromatherapy blend that includes Roman Chamomile, lemon and peppermint.
Product description:
All women—pregnant or not—have skin that is constantly changing from
dry-to-oily and back again. Bring some balance to your skin with this
rich, yet non-greasy cream. California Baby's Natural Pregnancy products
are specifically designed to deliver the perfect amount of moisture to
the places your body needs it most. California Baby Natural Pregnancy
Nourishing Cream is loaded with a pure blend of high quality emollients
and plant and flower extracts that offer gentle skin healing benefits
like hydration and protection. Perfect even for sensitive skin, the
cream will leave your body feeling soft and pampered after each
application. Our certified organic cocoa butter is very high quality and
has a delicate scent (not heavy like other cocoa butters) and provides
superior moisturizing and a satiny finish; Mimosa flower wax adds a
floral note and a luxurious texture, making application a sensual
experience; and pure essential oils of soothing Roman chamomile,
refreshing lemon and cooling peppermint combine to provide a gentle
aromatherapy lift that is easy on the senses.
Benefits & Features:
- Allergy tested
- No synthetic fragrances
- Contains certified organic, and sustainably grown ingredients
- Multipurpose, concentrated—a little goes a long way
- No gluten, soy, oat or dairy; allergy tested.
- California Baby products are free from peanuts and tree nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds and pecans, but do contain coconut derived ingredients.
- Ingredients are cross referenced for safety for use during pregnancy
- Vegan, no animal ingredients; not tested on animals
- Made in a solar powered state-of-the art eco-friendly manufacturing facility
- Packaging Eco-Facts: Tube is HDPE (#2), which is readily recyclable and does not leach into the product, no phthalates or BPA; flip top cap PP (#4)
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