Sep 19, 2011

Review : Bourjois bronzing powder

 Aloha readers,

Say hi to my new doll, Bourjois Bronzing Powder.  I bought it for Rp.210.000.  It has very cute packaging and it definetely a plus for me.  There're two shades avaiable at the counter and picked the darker one.

It smells so nice (bukan merek sosis sponsor sepak bola, LOL), actually in my opinion it's not like chocolate.. but i think it smells like.. ginger cookies? maybe its only my nose.  The bronzing powder has a pretty shimmers but wont make your face too "bling bling".


The colour is so natural on my face, maybe because my warm tones so though the bronzing powder is lil bit too yellow it still okay when i put it on my face. It stayed on my normal-oily face about 3-4 hours.  I put on this bronzer under my cheekbone to make a "thiner look" and then put on some shimerry blush on the apple of cheek.

This is me wearing the bronzing powder, i didnt use it much cause i didnt want to look "too tanned" or end up like "why-your-face-look-dirty". 

Will repurchase? Maybe!


  1. wah ahirnya jatoh ke pelukannya Boujois ya han :)
    sayang yah ada shimmernya..klo bronzer gw sukaan yg matte hehehe tapiii utk packaging nya lucu amaaatttt!!! pgn gw makan hahaha :D

    nice post ^^

  2. waa.. akhirnya dirimu beli yang ini yah... jadi pengen nyobain juga hehehe....

  3. yey akhirnya ada reviewnya aku kepengen beli ini kirain ini harus PO, ternyata di counter ada yah..

  4. @nisa @putri : iya kakaaaak, gw ga sanggup ternyata nunggu pake PO2an, jadi gw cari yg redi stok aja.. hehe.. iyah emang lucuk pekejingnya yah ga gampang rusak n jelek gitu

    @chell : di counter ada kook, ayo di ceki ceki

  5. Oh wow I never thought it costs THAT much.. It looks too yellow for me but I'm glad it works well on you!

  6. for 210.000, i wish to get someting better for bronzing, since it's quite pricey lol;
    ive swatched them on counter and it doesnt compliment my skin tone, especially because of the glitter yuck! but im glad that it works on you han! finally you have bronzer that youve been eyeing for ^0^/

  7. @fifi : yep actually it is very yellow, but since my skin is also very yellow too somehow it suit my skintone

    @stella : yep this bronzer is lil bit expensive but i dont like buying PO stuff so i choose something avaiable in Indo. In fact the glitter wasnt that much if you put it on your face.

  8. ya ampun, gw kira lo mau review coklaaat loh
    *tepok jidat*
    lucu banget yaa packaging nya, asal jangan jadi pengen dijilat2 :p

    btw han fotomu bagus deh, pakai kamera apakah? atau efek lampu ya sinarnya pas ke muka?

  9. Hanaaaa..
    Bourjouis ini konternya dimana yaa?
    dalem mol gitukah?
    aku kayanya ga pernah liat dehh

  10. @vani : iya di dalem sogo vaaan..

    @chel : pake night mode chel biar cahaya nya terang.. hadeh jangan dijilat lah! hahaha...

  11. hanna hello, nice to meet u, is it glitter powder??? (punya rekomendasi, brozer without glitt..? ga?) thank you darl, Gbu...:) see y

  12. @ar : hi ar, iya ini ada glitternya, tapi ga keliatan kok sebenernya glitternya =)

  13. oh gt klo yg powder km udah cb blm? *btw thank u yaaa :)
